We let our enemy "educate" our kids then find out they don't like church or God or anything good. they spend on average 17 TIMES more time in secular humanist education each week then in church and Sunday school. With so much more humanism being forced down their throats OF COURSE they are going to leave! After 13 years of education they will have had almost 16,400 hours of secular humanism in public schools and just over 1350 of christian education in Sunday school and church (they get some christian ed during the summer with no humanist so over all the number is just over 12 times compared to the 17 each week during the school year).
Add to this so many churches focusing on silly rhyming nonsense songs and small matters even in the teenage level no wonder they leave. A teenager should not be getting the MILK of the word still but in too many churches they are. How many of you would still breastfeed your 13, 15 or 17 year old son or daughter??? Hopefully none yet that is basically the church's approach to the word for the young breastfeeding them the milk of the word when they should have been put on meat long ago! And when we aren't offering meat guess who is?? satan! His meat is bad meat BUT it IS meat and if WE can't recognize that they are ready for it they will go to HIM for it. We need to stop thinking they are too young to handle ANY truths till they are ready for college and start teaching them truth while in pre school. Not heavy theological truth but bit sized truth and increase the portion as they age. you won't feed a whole thanksgiving dinner to a child just weened of breast milk would you?? No you start with small amounts of real food and add as they can in take more. In the same way you don't hit them with heavy truth in preschool you give them small truth and build upon them increasing the amount you give as they age.
By 12-14 a child should be able to make a KNOWLEDGABLE decision for christ. I say knowledgable because ones made too early 2-6 are not like real decisions as they don't possess the capacity to make such decisions or the knowledge to base such decisions on. (probably they say this either because it will make mommy and daddy happy or have heard it said some place and say it not knowing what it means. but how many figure their child is now christian and I dont need to do anything for them to be saved?? only to see the walk away in high school of after a semester or two of college) By 12-14 they have should have both provided you have been teaching the truth not nonsense songs. (i don't want to be from babylon because they babble on and on and on, or pharisees aren't fair and sadducees are sad) We can teach songs that actually teach them and are fun.
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