Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Get Off Your Knees and on Your Feet" from mar 8 2017

We prayed for a reprieve from the judgement America so rightly deserves and got it. Now what?? If we christians are REALLY serious about taking back America it is time to get off your knees and out of the prayer closet and on your feet and out doing something. The devils people have been striking hard since the election and have ramped up their efforts since the inauguration. We are less than 2 months into Trumps presidency and look at what all they have done. It has been said that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get it shoes on. Well satan’s people are certainly doing quite a lot while we have been putting our shoes on. 
Are we prepare to hold our own rallies??? Are we prepared to go out and preach the gospel and convert?? In the neighborhoods and on the street corners??? Yes prayer has it’s place but you don’t have to be in your prayer closet to pray you can pray anywhere. And prayer is only one tool. The apostles changes society and the world not by retreating to their prayer closets and expecting God to work some huge miracle to convert the heathen. They got out and change the world themselves. (I know they also prayed I am not saying they didn’t just that prayer isn’t ALL they did.)
The elephant in the room no-one wants to address is that the church is a house divided between the Liberal-Progressive half and the Conservative-Fundamentalist half. The LP’s believe little, if any, of the bible and have created god in their own image. The CF’s believe the bible to varying degrees. The problem is the world sees the LP’s as the “true” church and the CF’s as the “false “ church. Also by labeling “radical Islam” as “Fundamentalist Islam” they put out the idea of Fundamentalist christians being terrorists. Our Job would first have to united the church into one voiceIf we can’t put OUR house in order how can we possibly put AMERICA’S house in order?????

Can Christians in America fight for her??  It won’t be easy satan WILL fight back. He has worked over 100 years, since late 19th century, to bring America to this point he isn’t about to just roll over. If we are going to do a massive work to bring this nation back to God we better get moving. While this is a spiritual war it has a physical dimension to it. In that regard we must fight this war in the spiritual world AND the physical world. We are talking a mobilization of christians to rival WWII. Our soldiers must be out there in force in LARGE numbers to affect change. Preaching to the choir doesn’t help. You need to get to people who DON'T agree with you but are OPEN to the truth. Otherwise all you are doing is getting the word out to those who already know it and believe it which converts no-one and does NOT affect change.This is no time to be timid. Prayer is important but if ALL we do is kneel down in our prayer closets and pray NOTHING will happen and God will judge America. Christians MUST strike back at satan and fight for America. It is the only way she will survive.  This is a long endeavor not a quick one. It will probably take 30-100 years to do properly. We must: Set the church in order, Set the nation in order and Displace satan’s people from positions of influence (schools, media, hollywood, colleges) so he can't corrupt the next generations and undo everything.

Can we do it??????????????? Or will our God given reprieve be all for nought??????

Squandering an opportunity like this could bring harsher judgment than if we had not been given it.


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