Sunday, March 31, 2019

"a response to Dr Brown on a article of his" from sept 4 2018

you say it is God's ideal will to heal so you don't pray 'if it be your will'. so I must ask four thing: A) what of St Paul?? he was not healed of his thorn in the flesh but simply told my grace is sufficient. B) Sometime God may not will to heal because it is that persons time to die and go to him. or that this illness is meant to show him something or to humble him or even to help him minister to a group of people or a particular person. C) I have heard others say if you add 'if it be your will' to a prayer you negate the prayer. Essentially it is as if you hadn't prayed at all. Do you believe that??? Am I making my prayers of no effect because I say 'if it be your will'???? Would that mean that I am responsible if a person I prayed for a healing for dies because I used 'if it be your will'??? D) what happens when a person watching see you pray for healing describing it as Gods will and the person prayed for is not healed even dies and the watcher decides not to come to christ because 'you said this mans healing was Gods will and he died so you must not know what you are talking about'.

The suffering and reliance on God a prolonged illness can bring can benefit a person much more than a healing in many cases. A suffering disciple  might grow in his faith where a healed one might not.  I don't doubt God can miraculously heal but I also know there are times he doesn't for a reason. we can't demand God heal someone because it is what WE want. We should want what God wants and if that isn't a healing so be it. 

I myself have several disabilities that keep me at home (I am 40) and only more recently have I understood this was for my benefit and the benefit of loved ones. Many sins of deed have been avoided by me by having these disabilities and I would not be as close to God now as I am without them.(I still struggle with thought sins but would rather struggle with thoughts than with deeds although not struggling with either is best) I would rather have my infirmities and be closer to God than not have them and be closer to satan.

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