Saturday, March 30, 2019

"The Militancy of Homosexuals and the Church" from dec 27 2013

"The Militancy of Homosexuals and the Church"
Could we the church be partially to blame for the rise of homosexual activism and all the societal damage it has done????? In the 20th century many time homosexuals were beaten and teased and harassed by people for their sexuality but not treated with love. The church while not openly calling for these beatings and harassment did often wink and nod at it especially in the “Bible Belt”. I wonder if we have been preaching to people to offer the love of Christ to help homosexuals see their sin and come out of it and had used our influence in society to further this would we have the same level of homosexual behavior and activism we have today?? Might our intervention then have made a difference in how society acted over time??? The so called “Bible Belt” is even today has plenty who punish gays and beat them and tease them rather than preach to them and help them out of homosexuality. I think they know what the bible SAYS but they don’t know what the bible MEANS. 
Maybe to answer the question of how we got here in regards to homosexual power and societies view and acceptance of homosexuality we must take a look in the mirror so to speak and look at the Christian reaction to homosexuality over the years and the lack of condemnation of those who used the bible as justification for harming their fellow man. We believed the blood of Christ could wash away all sins but somehow we didn’t connect that this too was a sin that needed washing and that it too must be laid at the cross and the practitioner of it must, like those who committed other sins, ask for forgiveness. 
I think we must truly look at the spiritual side of the nation’s and world’s problems not just the political and secular side. I think if we examined many things we now face we will find that the lack of action by the church, or the silent approval by the church of incorrect actions, helped lead us to where we are today. We can’t Just blame the politicians and the activists and even satan himself for the ills of society we now have we must own up to OUR part of this mess. If we are to do anything about this mess we must first accept our share of the blame for it existing and then do our part in cleaning it up. A spiritual problem can only be solved spiritually not politically. We have tried for at least 30+ years to fight in the political arena to change things and not only have we not turned back the tide of depravity and evil it has gotten substantially worse! This is a war that must be fought in the pulpits and must be fought relentlessly. We know not how long we have till the rapture of the church when I started watching 20 years ago I didn’t think we would have made it 1 year much less 20.
One thing we must do as “watchmen on the wall” is assess the enemy. We unfortunately held such a false belief that satan could not touch America that because we were a Christian nation he was powerless against us that we stopped do one of the duties of a watchman on the wall, watching for a enemy attack and seeing what the enemy was doing that we might stop him, that satan moved in in all areas – seminaries, colleges, primary and secondary education, law schools, legislatures, courts, media and more – and was able to transform this once Christian nation into a cesspool of depravity, debauchery and innocent blood (55+ Millions worth and counting) that now one must say God would be well with in his right to do to us what he did more that once to Israel - judge her and remove her from among the nations.  Let us not be afraid of the depraved and their social and political power but let us speak with boldness the truth. We can try to save America from the fire that awaits at the end of her journey. We may not stave the hand of God from the righteous judgment the USA deserves but we can at least say we didn’t do nothing and that we didn’t just wink and nod at the the problem. In the words of Abraham Lincoln “we shall nobly save or meanly lose our last best hope of earth”.
Paul Wilson

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