Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Who is Speaking or Giving Dreams" from July 9 2013

"Who is Speaking or Giving Dreams"

Someone on a web board put forth these lists as a way of knowing who is speaking to you or giving you a dream:
When the Lord Speaks the following Is Evident:

1. an inward knowing
2. peace
3. trust
4. confidence, assurance
5. agreement with the Word of God
6. confirmation
7. clarity

When the devil or evil spirit speaks, the following is evident:

1. doubt, fear, discomfort
2. conflict, restlessness, no peace
3. questioning, wondering
4. lack of clarity, confusion
5. negation of the Lord's commands
6. Lordship of Christ denied, discounted
7. condemnation, guilt, discouragement

When the flesh/self speaks, the following is evident:

1. hesitation
2. deception
3. double-mindedness
4. unregenerate desires
Some say the above is how to discern. However I have had plenty of dream from satan that had several elements from the “from God”  list and none of the “from satan” list and I have had flesh/self dream with none of the “flesh/self” items and several of the “from God” items. The only way to know if it is from God is to check if it agrees with scripture and ask God in prayer. Have someone you know hears from God ask him as well. If it is a word you are hearing a voice then you MUST test the spirits to be sure they are of God. and YES even if the voice says “I am God” or “I am Jesus” you must do the test to ensure it is God. If you are relying on these lists to discern for you what voice is what or where a dream came from you WILL be deceived. Satan can give dream that are pleasant, peaceful, confident, and clear. Even dreams from yourself or flesh can possess the same factors. the only thing from the list above that is helpful is whether it agrees with God’s word and his Lordship, and commandments. But remember a dream from satan may not speak of Jesus’s Lordship or God’s word but still seem pleasant and peaceful and may still seem to come from God.
Also the best way to interpret dreams is to ask a person who has the gift of dream interpretation, having been proved not just assumed, to interpret it. While it is popular to post a dream to web boards for interpretation if the people there do not have a proven gift of interpretation you will be getting a guess at it’s meaning it might be a right guess but still a guess. Many Christians have opinions of what a dream means but unless they have the gift, proven gift, of interpretation it is their opinion and while many may agree with that interpretation true interpretation is not made by democratic means. This I feel is why some many time a dream is interpreted and then doesn’t come true we bot A) hold to some form of the original interpretation trying to salvage it and B) we keep looking for fulfillment of dreams that have no prophetic meaning convinced by popular opinion it is from God.
I am not saying we shouldn’t post dreams to web boards but that we need to let those with the gift, proven gift, of interpretation give the interpretation of it rather that what we may want it to mean.

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