Part of the problem has always been, at least in the past 100 so years, we underestimate satan's power. we seem to think he is a toothless tiger 'he will gum you but he can't hurt you'. It is like going to war assuming your enemy has 1 or 2 battalions so you send 3 or 4 battalions to overwhelm him then when you get there you find he has 3 or 4 DIVISIONS and YOU are the one overwhelmed! I actually had a christian tell me satan's power is just God's power shining through satan. Many others just out right deny he has any power or that old chestnut of 'are you saying he is more powerful than God?' as a way of shutting down the conversation and not having to actually acknowledge satan has power. (for the record NO I am not saying he is more powerful than God but he IS MUCH MORE powerful than any mere man.) Satan was the anointed cherub the most powerful of all angels prior to he fall and the is no indication of he losing any amount of that power when he fell. He is also the god of the world. Since we are constantly underestimating our enemy and his strength is it any wonder we keep getting our butts kicked by him???
Too many christians are naive and think people wouldn't lie or use deception to get something so when homosexuals say 'we wouldn't use these laws against you' and 'we aren't trying to criminalize the bible' too many believe them. I think so of that is the 'I wouldn't do that so they wouldn't do that either' or 'I am a good judge of character' and 'I would know if they were lying to me'. I think we want so bad to believe the best in people we allow ourselves to dismiss anything contrary to that. we believe people are basically good. We believe being kind and nice to people will open doors (if he sees how nice christians are he will want to be one of us) and plant seeds (maybe I didn't reach him but hims seeing what a nice loving person I am will surely work on him and the next person will bring him to christ). we have become the 'barney the purple dinosaur' (I love you, you love me) version of christianity. Also the ren and stimpy version (happy happy joy joy). We don't act in a way that commands respect. You can't win through weakness and you can't show people a worthless religion and expect converts. Churchianity is worthless and that is what too many churches are the church of. As a result we are laughed at and not seen as serious. If we don't believe what the bible say why should anyone else. Jesus and the apostles didn't change the world by loving it with a warm and fuzzy love the makes you feel good but does NOTHING for you.
We put ourselves in this position by compromise Only with God's help can we get out of it by learning you CAN'T compromise with evil. Satan only compromises or seeks coexistence until he can dominate. Only a fool takes satan at his word when he promises too just exist peacefully along side you and not cause you any problems. Although when he does advertise what he is going to do only a fool wouldn't believe him. If we had taken Mein Kampf seriously maybe the holocaust wouldn't have happened. Homosexuals and others told us what they were going to do we just didn't believe them. big mistake.
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