Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Re: WND - Top Reason Conservatives are not Taking America Back" from march 13 2014

"Re: WND - Top Reason Conservatives are not Taking America Back"
Our biggest problem is not political it is spiritual. unless we solve the spiritual problem, crisis really, we will never solve the political, social, and economical ones. It is like trying to remove a hex bolt with a Phillips head screw driver. While a Phillips head can solve certain problems it is useless to solve the removal of a hex bolt likewise a principled and strongly conservative GOP may solve some political issues but is useless in solving the spiritual problem. 
America is dying and only God can save her.... If she will come to him.
To use a medical analogy the patient’s body is riddled with aggressive cancer the things we see – gay marriage, abortion, sex promotion among kids and on TV, lack of morals, low educational standards, and communism at all levels – are the comorbidities and he is fading fast. No treatment man has devised has helped and only an act of God will save him but he must ask God for that act and turn away from the sins, many connected in some way to the progressives/liberals/socialist/communists, that led to his awful condition.
Unfortunately his family – the people of the nation – from the elders, government (most of whom see the problem as nothing more than a cold or possibly a mild flu), to the to the youngest, the average citizen (some of who see the symptoms and want to aggressively treat them but don’t see the underlying cancer causing the symptoms), refuse to seek God in this critical time instead relying on man’s latest treatment, the tea party, to save the man from expiring. The church has let down the nation by letting satan creep in and get his claws in every facet of life and unless they arm themselves for TRUE battle and become the antibody to fight this sinful cancer the body will die.
Many conservatives claim to be Christians and say they stand for God and the truth but do they?? Many say the words but their hearts are empty their ears closed to the truth THEY stand for nothing but their own petty interests. When we look at ancient Israel we see ourselves all to clearly. In 70 AD when the Romans were coming to Jerusalem they didn’t attack right away as the Jews, convinced the messiah was coming any moment, were so busy fighting each other to become the most powerful faction so that they would then have a choice position in his government that the Romans decided to delay and let the Jews cause their own downfall rather than waste time and energy in fighting them all since the Roman invasion would unite them. Todays church is fighting amongst themselves so much that satan is all to happy to let them fight but this time instead of waiting to invade he has already secretly invaded and even participates in the “infighting”, since he actually controls some so called churches, to distract the church from coming together to do what is necessary to defeat him.
Speaking of Rome many were content in the last days of Rome because of bread and circuses that they didn’t care Rome was falling apart. We too are consumed with bread and circuses – one of the circuses is sports, one is TV and movies, BUT one is politics! We are so consumed with the elephants and the donkeys that we don’t see our nation is spiritually on life support and satan is all to willing to pull the plug. We are to be in the world but not of the world but the difference is often one of degrees (like medicine X amount is safe Y amount is dangerous). There is however a line between the two and we have long since crossed it. We were in the world so much we became addicted to the world and thus became of the world (a few casual puffs here and there became more puffs with more frequency until we soon found we couldn’t live without the world).
We need to boldly proclaim the gospel without worrying about being PC, we aren’t and we must deal with it, without worrying about being called intolerant, we are and we must accept it, without being afraid of the term homophobe, while we love the sinner and hate the sin they will only possibly believe that by showing them the love while staying true to God (though the hard core ones will NEVER believe), without being scared of being told we are sexist, we aren’t but we also know a X and a Y are not the same thing and that biologically a XX does not equal a XY (same rights – different biological abilities) and since the HALF of a unborn’s DNA comes from a man men also have a VESTED interest in abortion, and without timidness when we are called racist, all people and thus all races are descended of Noah and though him of Adam who was created in God's image so that means ALL races are created in God’s image and are equal in rights but we know to be equal means that one can not elevate one or more races over another or others simply to address historical mistreatment thus creating some as being “more equal than others”, but with the knowledge that God’s word was true yesterday, is true today and will still be true tomorrow and even a million years from now and nothing satan does in society will change that.
There is only one question though – do we have the chutzpah to do that or is mammon too attractive to us to risk loosing it to gain everything else??? (see Mat 19:29)
We lost America by not keeping track of what the enemy was doing, especially in our churches and seminaries and schools, we now see what he was and is doing and say we want her back. Can we do it or is it too little too late??
Paul Wilson

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