I don’t think I can add to this other than he is right there are WAY TOO many hirelings out there and not enough shepherds. TOO many Christians are so afraid of offending they do nothing. They want to get along with everyone so they try to be as inoffensive as possible which is only possible if you throughout the bible and use manmade religion as your guide. These people have created their own Jesus: an inoffensive woose who parties, is gay, loves everyone exactly as they are and thinks that they don't have to change. A Jesus who is a good commie and is an environmentalist who puts the earth above man. A Jesus who wants you to be rich who wants you to be comfortable and who doesn’t make you choose between him and the world but wants you to have both. A snowflake Jesus. A Che Guevara T-shirt wearing, dope smoking, progressive hippie who wouldn’t be able to stop the least of satan’s minions much less the old dragon himself.
The TRUE Jesus would not be welcome in today’s churches. I think today’s Christians would give him the same welcome the Jews gave him nearly 2000 years ago. I can easily hear millions of Christian saying “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”. Though today it might be “Lethally Inject Him! Lethally Inject Him!”. At the very least some would tell him to go to seminary and brush up on his theology. Or that he is distorting what God has said.
He starts in 62 but we had been in decline at least 80 years by that point.
Paul Wilson
Protestant (only to show I don’t follow the pope)
Independence MO USA
"If man will not be governed from within, he must be governed from without."
Partial transcript follows. (Highlighting and emphases added by me) Fair Use for Discussion.
We have lost our collective minds, reaping what we have sowed.
In 1962 the US Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools. A year later, it banned the reading of the Bible in public schools. Where were the Christian parents? Why were they not outraged enough to stand up and fight — for morality, for righteousness, for their children and their Savior? Christians did nothing. Imagine if the day after prayer was banned in public schools if every dad went to every public school principal and in righteous anger declared that this will not stand! We may have had a chance. But Christians did nothing. And so today, we scratch our heads and wonder what can be done about all the killings in the public schools. God was tossed out on His ear a generation ago; so now we only seek Him after another bunch of our kids are shot down in cold blood. Then we gather and hold “prayer vigils,” holding candles while we weep. But many don’t even know what prayer is. They stand and hold a candle, but there’s no repentance, no real understanding of what we are so guilty of as a nation. We are so very lost. America is suffering under what the Bible calls “Blood guiltiness.” In another infamous case where the US Supreme Court was unlawfully allowed to “make a law,” it declared, in 1973 that women were now legally able to have their own children murdered. And the blood of the innocent little babies, knit together by God Himself in their mothers’ wombs cries out from the ground to Almighty God. We are guilty of shedding innocent blood. Ezekiel 22, “You have become guilty by the blood that you have shed, and defiled by the idols that you have made, and you have brought your days near, the appointed time of your years has come. Therefore, I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all the countries.” These are the words of the Lord. Need some more? Psalm 106, “They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.” Lamentations 4, “How the precious children of Zion, once worth their weight in gold, are now considered as pots of clay, the work of a potter’s hands.” In other words, common, disposable… garbage. These are our children, people! These are our babies! Their blood cries out from the ground, as did the blood of Abel, to Almighty God. And as we have so cavalierly shed the blood of 60 million innocent babies in this nation in the last generation, though we cannot see it, because it is kept behind closed doors, out of sight, a “taboo” subject we are never allowed to discuss, their blood is running like rivers in our streets, and so why are we surprised when we are reaping so much violence and bloodshed elsewhere? Frankly, I’m surprised we aren’t seeing more. Frankly, I’m surprised the Lord has not yet poured out His full wrath on this nation and destroyed it as He did Sodom.
Yes, I am angry! I am angry that you can go to just about any Christian church in America today — and you can go there for the next 40 years, and you will never hear any pastor touch these subjects with a ten-foot pole, for fear of offending some in the pews, for fear of talking “politics” from the pulpit. For fear of being “distasteful.” For fear of the weekly “take” falling short in the collection plate. It’s sick! And yes, I am angry. “As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.” Our Pastors, who refuse to teach, who refuse to preach the whole counsel of God, straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel, neglecting entirely the weightier matters of the law, while instead talking about “how to have a sexy marriage,” “how to be wise stewards,” “why we need to ‘tithe’ in order to be good Christians,” “God’s love for all mankind, how we’re all God’s children….” The list could go on, but I … …just can’t. Guns are not our problem, folks. Our problem is the fact that we, as a nation, have rejected God. You may not realize this if you live in a Christian “bubble” like many do. But you would be amazed at how many people in America today know absolutely nothing about God, about His Word, about Holiness and righteousness, and about their need for repentance and the Savior. Even regular church-goers have been so woefully and poorly taught, they cannot explain the truth of the Gospel, and they certainly would never have the courage to share it if they ever took the opportunity. Christianity has become a “spectator sport,” where we are never asked to do anything, always encouraged to stay away from those “wackos” who fight the murder of innocent babies, who speak out against sodomy and the reprobate minds that have become so warped by the enemy’s deceptions that they cannot even say for sure whether they are male or female. “Stay away from people like that,” our pastors tell us. “They are radicals. They are nuts. They do not represent what our church believes.” Indeed. They do not. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 that we are to have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, expose them. We also read that it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret — and yet today we have Christian churches not only endorsing baby killing, sodomy and the demonically-twisted lie of “transgenderism,” we even have churches participating in these evils… approving of abortion, funding and praying for Planned Parenthood, ordaining sodomite preachers! Go to Romans 1: “Although they knew God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them.” Go to any sodomite “pride” parade and you will find literally dozens of so-called “Christian” churches participating in the parade with their own vulgar parade floats; while, meanwhile, a mere handful true Christ-followers will be on the sidelines trying their best to minister God’s Word and tell the Truth amidst hundreds of thousands of lost souls, so filled with hatred of God, they would kill every Christian if they could… and our pastors tell their people to stay away from the truth-tellers, the bold, courageous Christians willing to put their lives on the line for the Gospel.
Well, the risen Christ had a different message than these hirelings. He said the righteous will triumph over the evil one. How? “…by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their own lives, even unto death.” Radical? Yes. Acceptable in our churches today? No. You’d be a weirdo. You’d be a radical. You would not be welcome. Pastors would encourage others to stay away from you. And they do. As go the pulpits, so goes the nation. The blood that flows from our public schools is the same blood that flows in our streets — innocent blood of our children, the judgment of God on a nation that has rejected Him — a nation whose every thought seems to be only evil, all the time, only honoring Him with their lips when it becomes convenient, …or necessary to calm the guilty conscience. Until we repent and turn — corporately — as a nation, back to our Creator, I don’t believe He listens to our superficial prayers, offered up in vain. We can stand and hold candles and gather and mourn together every time violence erupts in our land, but until we turn back to God, He will not take part in any of our sorrowful assemblies. We are lost. We are sheep without shepherds, led by cowardly hirelings. I’m sorry to be so blunt. I do not wish to impugn all pastors. Certainly there are some bold, courageous ones out there, and I know some personally. But the vast majority in America today are hirelings. Jesus was even more emphatic than what I have said here, using words like “Snakes,” “Brood of Vipers,” “Whitewashed tombs.” And He told those religious leaders they were “of their father, the devil.” It’s time for some courageous Christianity in America today. We have to decide if we’re serious about this, or if we are just going to let the evil one have his way with us while our children and grandchildren die, with twisted minds, broken hearts and lost souls.
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