Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impeachment Farce Two Thoughts

With the whole impeachment farce continuing to go I am wondering two things: 1) is this like when God hardened Pharaoh's heart leading to the freedom of the Israelites which could mean a YUGE reelection for trump and maybe a rebirth a freedom in the states OR 2) could this be God is angry because we have not made progress in taking back America from the anti-christian forces and he is using this farce to gin up the DEMS base to deliver them the white house and bring persecution upon us???

Face it we BEGGED God for a reprieve we Prayed for Trump to be elected instead of Hilary because we KNEW what her presidency would do to people of faith. I too voted for him BUT I warned that if we don't use this reprieve wisely if we just roll over and say wake me in 4 years to reelect him it would have been better to have had Hilary elected and get our destruction over with then to have gotten a reprieve through Trump and wasted it. Wasting a reprieve will bring greater judgment than if we had not had one at all.

One worrying sign is Pete Buttigieg is gaining in Iowa. A homosexual president would be a DISASTER for Christians. Some on the left seem ready to anoint him the next Liberal Messiah (Obama being the last. he was going to be the first post-racial president. how did that work out?). And seeing how we keep going farther and farther down the sodomite road a homosexual president would be a fitting Judgment! Face it the culture has continued DOWNward during Trump's presidency, we are not turning the tide, we are not regaining lost ground, the enemy is not retreating.

As I feared we are squandering our opportunity. We are too comfortable. Maybe it is time the Western church, especially in America, found out what the early church knew all too well: the church grows best in pain. That persecution is the best fertilizer. The Asian, especially the Chinese, Church is the most persecuted on earth, and one of the fastest growing. I am prepared to be physically crucified for my faith, a very painful death, are you?? I am prepare to be hated, to be beaten, to be raped, and humiliated as well. I will suffer for my Lord! In those famous words: Here I stand I can do no other!