Saturday, March 30, 2019

"God Doesn't Delight in the Judgment of America and Neither Do I" from feb 15 2018

God is not one to delight in judging nations (or people). But when a nations sins become so grievous to him he can tolerate them no more he brings his judgment to them. I believe America has past the point of no return and we have almost filled God’s cup of wrath for us. We were blessed more than any nation on earth except Israel and for some time we kept faithful to him and prospered. But at some point the church became Pharisees deciding to seem oh so spiritual by not being involved in public life only in spiritual life. We decided all that mattered to God was we win souls for him that everything else was profane and thus none of our business. Now America has so many sins she is committing - proudly committing - that her time is almost up. God aches for us he would rather we return to him as a nation but the true church is now but a remnant much like in ancient Israel and America will suffer judgment as they did. He has NO pleasure in this, no enjoyment of it or even desire to do it. But he must because his Holiness and Justice demand it. But even in Judgment he is merciful. 

Look at how since the 1990’s homosexuality has exploded. Back then it became more mainstream and was gaining power. After it “came out of the closet” we have seen more people identify as homosexual than before. So too have we seen an explosion in transgendered individuals over the past few years as it has had its own “coming out of the closet” moment and has become acceptable and like homosexuality is being openly promoted in school and society. When sin becomes acceptable more will do it. Human nature is depraved, for we are fallen beings, and thus when a form of depravation is no longer taboo people feel it is ok to do. As taboos in a society are conquered they become widespread. Thus immorality spread because the heart of man is wicked and if we remove barriers that might prick the conscience of people to prevent them from engaging in sin they will gladly do so believing that they are allowed to do it. We want an excuse to commit sin and making it fashionable or legal gives us license to do what we want. (Though some might try to say ‘once the government declares something legal it is no longer immoral’) But man cannot “veto” God we cannot overturn God’s laws. We are seeing the fruits of a hands-off super-spiritual approach to society. It will only get worse. 

I spoke of mercy in judgment and I mean it. Right now under the surface are more perversions that have few committing them but are growing towards acceptance by the public. These are worse than the ones we have even though fornication, adultery, homosexuality and transsexuality are bad enough. Under the surface lies incest. People want to make sex between relatives legal. First they will have it be just adults either adult parents with their adult children or adult siblings with each other or adult aunts/uncles with their adult nephews/nieces and adult cousins with each other. However one need only look at the age of consent laws and how much lower the ages have gotten to see that it will soon be incest between adults and minors. Mom and minor son (or daughter), dad and minor daughter (or son), aunt and minor nephew (or niece), uncle and minor niece (or nephew), adult sibling and minor sibling, and adult cousin and minor cousin. We would also see minor sibling and minor sibling and minor cousin and minor cousin being pushed. After all ‘love is love’ right??? But that is only one thing bestiality is there as well. Also “intergenerational relationships” which normal people call molestation. That is something that is being pushed hard. For all three it wouldn’t take too long for these to suddenly explode in the number of adherents. While bestiality might take longer, with the animal rights people out there being against it as they should be, given the direction we are headed and would be headed with incest and molestation legal it would eventually happen.

Some of have been molested (me and my mom and her siblings and several cousins too) most molesters get away with it because most victims never come forward and many who do only are able to after years of repression or guilt or therapy.  When they do often they find the statute of limitations has run out on them. (Why a statute of limitations exists on molestation I don't know). There was a guy years ago who was charged with molesting 2 boys who came forward and he had binders with lots of boys names in it. They narrowed it down to be about 250 victims. Two hundred and fifty and only 2 come forward. that is just under 1%. That means 99% of his victims are still out there having never come forward. Now imagine them legalizing such relations between adults and children, and while yes consent would have to be involved a good lawyer could get a jury to believe that the child DID consent but it now saying they didn’t only to save face with their parents, and you can see the damage that could be inflicted on millions of children. Add incest to the list where a parent could say their child consented to the sex or even an older sibling could say that the younger consented to sex and you can imagine the damage done and how that would affect society. And with all of this the church and morality will be increasingly regulated, marginalized and criminalized. It might come that believing a 1st grader should be a virgin would be a scandalous opinion. Or people might show outrage at you being upset when a boy or girl has a show and tell about their sex toys. Or hatred of you protesting a company making ‘my first dildo’ for preschoolers. Or a dad being brought to court for preaching to his 6 and 4 year old sons for ‘expressing their sexuality’ with each other. These things seem impossible now. But was not homosexual ‘marriage’ impossible not too long ago?? Was not teaching homosexual sex techniques in school impossible not that long ago too??? Was not a school taking your daughter to get a secret abortion without telling you impossible at one time??? Wasn’t even abortion impossible at one time?? Wasn’t fake ‘appendages’ for transgender youth being sold openly impossible at one time???? 

They are pushing sex ed on younger and younger children and monkey see monkey do so we have some elementary aged kids experimenting with it or trying to. You can see how they will soon push to have consensual sex between minors of any age as legal even though most minors can’t consent to such a thing. Would a mom walking in on her 2nd grade son and his friend(s) be required to simply say ‘sorry’ and walk away and let them finish??? Would she face DFS or court punishments if she would lecture or punish them instead??? Incest, adult-child sex and child-child sex of any age would grieve God greatly as I would hope it would grieve each of you greatly. I don't really want America to get to that point. That is why Judgment on us would be mercy from God. We have to face the fact that MOST of what is called the church today are not christians. They follow a different Jesus who changes with the times. Much of what is called the church doesn’t believe the bible or very little of it. 80% of Americans say they are christian but the number of true christian is probably closer to 10-15%. Most are working against Christ not for him so they aren’t true christians. Laodiceans comprise a large section of the church as well either hot or cold just there. 

I would Like to see a revival and see America turn around but looking around I can tell that won’t happen. I am not a pessimist but a realist. I see what is actually going on out there and can see it is too late to change the fate of this nation. Too many in the church are optimists they see a revival and a restoration as just around the corner. But they really aren’t seeing anything. They have been saying a revival is ‘just around the corner’ for 30-40 years and things have only gotten worse. They either don't want to admit we are no longer a christian nation or they don't believe God judges nations or they just can’t bear the thought of America destroyed so they insist that revival is coming the whole nation will be swept up in it and come to God. Some have been saying so for so long they are so invested in being right about the revival they refuse to even entertain the possibility THEY were wrong. I do see a silver lining if you will to judgment in that while I feel we will be broken into smaller nations instead of one large one form sea to sea I feel a good number of these nations will take the judgment as a sign from God and repent and turn to him. When that happens God will bless them. So even in judgment he will allow for repentance and revival but those who refuse to come to him a lasting judgment will come. (not eternally but they will cease to be among the nations until the restoration under the MK.) Judgment isn’t a good thing but good can come from it.

It is time the church became realists about this coming judgment and started preparing those in the pews for it in case it is before the rapture and getting things papered for people post judgment to come to Christ if the rapture happens in conjunction with the judgment. Because there are MANY Laodiceans out there many who claim to know Christ don't and will NOT be raptured. These need to know what to do when judgment comes and how to come to Christ themselves for their souls sake. Several who speak of part of the church being left behind are speaking of these people. They sit in the pews, they sing the hymns, they donate to the collection but they don't know Christ. Some are your husbands, wives, sons, daughters, and other family members. Some are friends and acquaintances. We must leave something for them. 

God doesn’t delight in judgment and gives a nation MUCH time to repent and come back to him but at some point God says enough. It hurts him to have to judge a nation but he must because he is Just and HolyI don't want my beloved nation ruined but I know that God has a point at which he will no longer remove a coming judgment but that the fate of the nation becomes sealed and all that remains is for time to elapse and judgment to begin. I know that we passed that point of no return years ago. I grieve with God over what was a Godly nation and beacon to the world having fallen so far. I will rejoice with him when the remnant of that nation return to him. I look forward to seeing what America will be in the MK. 

Speaking the plain truth is lonely. It is difficult to as most people don't want to hear it. Even those who can see evil around us and know a revival is needed don't want to REALLY hear how bad things are. Check the bible no one wanted to hear about judgment they just wanted sweet soothing words spoken to them. They wanted to be deluded in the belief that any minute things will turn around rather than face the truth of the situation before them. The church would rather hear sweet nothings whispered in its ears than a hard truth. This too grieves God that his people have fallen so much. It is saddening to know that once we were a strong force for good and now we have no impact on the world at all. The church created western civilization and transformed the world through the power of Christ and now is so neutered in the west that the world is transforming US. God weeps for usI weep that not only the nation of my youth is gone but the nation of my parent’s youth is gone and that of my grandparent’s youth. I weep think about how many people I have known when they were kids who may be forever lost. I weep knowing how many people with great talent have been lost because they were affirmed in the sin and not brought out of it. And how many were punished by man for their sin rather than lovingly guided out of it. I am grieved at the amount of sin in the world and that the church as a whole does not stop it and in many cases embraces it. I have a heart or Israel and a heart for children. It breaks my heart to see what is done to Israel in the media every day. It breaks my heart so much to see what is done to corrupt children in schools and society. It especially breaks my heart to see what feminists have done to boys over the years and how so many have no dad to be there for them to show them how to be a real man and to love them as only a father can. How so many household have no man to lead them. How males are the butt of jokes in commercials and TV shows they are shown as buffoons. Is it any wonder than that we see a lack of respect for authority?? Is it any wonder that many men today seem to be adolescents still despite being in their 30’s??? Children especially boys desire to have a dad but so many woman have been sold the line that dads are unnecessary that they are all too quick to keep potential male role models out of boys lives lest these boys grow up even the slightest bit masculine. We demand our boys act more like girls and our girls act more like boys so no wonder so many feel they are in the wrong body.

I don't envy someone bringing kids into this world at this time. Too much perversion and too much ungodliness. One of my gifts from God is a natural rapport with children the ability to work well with them and help them learn. I refuse to use that gift in the advancement of evil and ungodliness so I am unable to use it here on earth. I am single, a virgin, and childless. I don’t expect these to change. I do believe God will change the last in the NJ.

Paul Wilson

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