Saturday, March 30, 2019

"America's problem" from dec 21 2014

We have a Spiritual problem in this nation, one I think is beyond the point of no return and requires harsh judgment before any sort of revival breaks out, but for some twisted reason the church keeps looking for a political solution. “Elect the right people” they say and we will be back to being a Christian nation. GOP is NOT God’s Only Party. Most GOP are as liberal as the donkeys are. Both parties are taking America to hell in a hand basket the only disagreement between them is when do we arrive. In the early 2000’s we had both houses and the white house and a good chance at get 5-4 majority decision in the supreme court the “ideal situation” the everybody tells us will lead us back to the shores of glory, will repeal abortion and the liberal agenda. Yet IT DIDN’T DO ANY OF THAT!!! 
If you want to pray for the nation and leaders pray God’s judgment will come quickly and swiftly and that whatever remains will return to him. America is now what Ancient Israel was awash in sin and depravity “and loving it” as Maxwell Smart would say. Back then God told the prophets do not pray for these people I will not hear you. America is dead let God judge her and be done with it. What is served praying for a revival that will not come till after judgment. Pray for the judgment and revival to follow. For the sake of God’s people here in America, Jew and Christian, ask God to judge her sooner than later. Is there not enough suffering among the brethren without asking God to delay everything for this mythical revival that has supposedly been “just around the corner” for over 20 years?????????
Whatever we were we are NOT a Christian nation anymore. NO Christian nation would allow the abominations we do to not only exist but be fundamental rights. Israel ceased being a nation because of her sin more than once there is not reason to believe we will escape that same fate. Christians may have a better covenant with God but America has NO God initiated or God confirmed covenant with him (yes I am aware that some consider the mayflower compact a covenant but the is no writing anywhere from then to suggest God agreed to it.[beside I don’t think we have held up or end of any supposed covenant so we would have no place to complain about receiving judgment]). And despite what some in the American church may think America is NOT the church in fact most Christians live OUTSIDE America. At the rapture you going to find among the adults a great deal from Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Probably much more so than adults from Europe and America. Kids will be from all over, because of the AoA, but adults will see greater representation in those 3 areas. Russia might see strong representation too. How funny that people from the old soviet block may outnumber people from “the west”. 
The Church is a house divide against itself both liberal and conservative side. And you do remember what Jesus said about a house divided right??? I think at the rapture we will all be shocked at how few from America and Europe there really are standing in the NJ with us. We may be surprised how few family and friends are there too.
The best thing that can happen to those who are dying, provided that are truly Christian not Christian In Name Only, is to die and go be with the savior. No point in a miraculous healing when they are better off with God. If they are not truly Christian witness to them while there is still time. The clock is ticking and the darkness is quickly spreading.
Paul Wilson

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