Saturday, March 30, 2019

"militancy of homosexuals addendum" jan 7 2014

Not exactly but I am saying we are partially to blame for the explosion of homosexual power in the last four decades. As I said too many in the church winked and nodded or looked the other way when homosexuals were beaten and harrassed rather than giving them the gospel and helping them change their fealings to heterosexual. We can not expect to change the problems of society without acknowledging our cupability in one way or another for these problems existing to the extant they do. 
The church need to admit what it did wrong to correct it and make things right. Even today in the "bible belt" many still treat homosexuals harshly and justify it with their christian faith rather than reach out and help the homosexuals overcome satans delusion. We are not to blame for the existence of homosexuality but we are to blame for the militancy that rose as a result of the poor treatment they recieved because we failed to stop it or for some christians we encouraged or proticipated in it. We didn't respond with the love of Christ. Yes we rightly called it sin as it is but rather than show that Christ died even for that sin and that they could with Christ's help overcome it we condemned and persecuted. The church must admit it's mistakes we can't had behind Jesus say "since he is sinless so are we so we have never done anything wrong."
If we can not admit our wrongs to each other how can say we are admiting them to Christ?? If we would hide the tresspasses of the church from each other what would we try to hide from God??

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 5:58 AM,  wrote:
Are you laying the sins of homosexuality at the door of the church?

Paul Wilson wrote:
why not posting the email I sent about homosexuality??

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