biggest problem is most christians haven't the stomach for this war. It means going against family friends co workers. It mean people will hate you. we forget a man greatest enemies will be among his own family and that the world hated him so it will hate us as a servant is not above his master. too many want to be liked by the world so they don't fight even when the have that inner feeling that something isn't right. they want to hear from the world "well done thou good and noble christian". they have bought into the Jesus as a nice guy idea. Jesus was everyones buddy (CCM help this assumption. I could say a lot about CCM but that might cause some problems as I don't know what you and people who come here think about CCM). since they don't even know HIS life they can't emulate him. How can one be ChristLIKE when one doesn't act LIKE Christ. They haven't the slightest idea how Christ acted even WHO he was and IS!
Some have embarrassing skeletons in the closets and even though they have repented and Jesus has forgiven them the wold will not and will use those skeletons to demean and destroy them. Your past life before christ, or before you strengthen your faith for those who were nominal christians, can come back to hurt or neuter your witness. This should be a warning to some who think they can sin now and come to Christ later. Yes they can of course but it comes with a cost.
Some can't really get out and we write emails to be posted on boards but often feel as though no-one listens. I have been called a babe in christ and a scriptural child by some, one who thinks the best thing to do is cheer on the homosexuals etc.[even saying at them admitting gay scouts 'go homos go'] destroying society because it will 'hasten the lords return', other just stop taking to me or even belittle me or ban be from their forum. For a person who is always a bit on the depressed side it is hard to deal with. I just sometimes wonder with no-one at the boards I post to listening is it worth it. It isn't easy to come up with things to post it can take hours to type and get thoughts together and crickets is all i get.
Some are so concerned with the rapture they won't talk about anything else. they still predict the date even thought they haven been right in the 20 years they have been trying. in America Democrats, RINO's and the elite live in their own little bubbles and thus didn't see 2016 election results coming. the bubble acts as a echo chamber that keeps repeating the same thing and they never hear anything else and never get their opinion or so call facts [about global warming and other beliefs of theirs] challenged so when something big happens different than what they thought would happen they are dumb founded and immediately go to collusion etc because everyone they know thinks like them and they can't imagine anyones else exists.
Too many christians also have a bubble and echo chamber they are in they only have people around them who talk and think like them and they are not challenged and so they stay in the same old incorrect beliefs because of it and when someone challenges them trying to get them to true faith they attack and ban because they are uncomfortable not having everything they believe affirmed. I think they are convicted by the Holy Spirit and don't like it and rather than respond by listening to the Spirit and changing they essentially kill the messenger to avoid hearing the message. Much in the way many sinners react to being convicted by the Spirit. How many homosexuals think if we silence the christians then we won't get that feeling inside of us that makes us feel bad like we are doing something wrong??? How many CINO's (Christian In Name Only) go along with and embolden them in that belief??? They are called 'allies' but being an ally of satan is nothing to brag about.
World wide there are 2 1/3 Billion who call themselves christian I doubt that much more than a THIRD actually are. In America I doubt more than 10% actually are christian. I don't know much about the stat e of the church down under but I know worldwide the largest numbers in christianity are in Asia, Middle East and Africa where there is persecution of christians and being faithful will cost you something. They wouldn't die for something they didn't truly believe in. How many who call themselves christian in the west would hold on to their faith when facing crucifixion?? (something that is returning in the ME.) Or beheading??? I think too many would save their lives only to lose their souls. {though I am sure some feel they would just explain to Christ they did it for him so they could be a live witness secretly testifying to people about him. people seem to think they can pull one over on Jesus } I for one would gladly hang from a cross even here in the US of A than stay alive but in up in hell.
I wish sometimes that at least once a pastor could look out into the congregation and through divine intervention SEE how many in his flock are TRULY saved and how many are headed to hell. (like green glow for saved - red for unsaved) It would probably scare a lot of ministers out there see what a, excuse my french, piss poor job they are doing. Especially if they could look at themselves and see where they are headed! I wish sometimes ordinary christians could see the destinies of those around them (loved ones [especially children and spouse], friends, fellow congregants, co-workers, etc.) just once in their lives it too might, pardon my french again, shock the hell out of them. Even seeing their own fate might be quite the eye opener!
How many fewer snowflakes would we have today if we, the country and the world, had raised our children in a godly manner not a world pleasing manner. We dropped the ball several time between the late 19th century and today now if we can only find it and pick it up again. But how many people know we have too??
orgot to mention one time I had thought about going to a college campus and setting up a booth for people too burn a pinch of incense to the rainbow flag and see how many supposed christians would. (and see if they would catch the symbolism in the act) but I am sure today I would get run off and possibly beaten up by the "tolerance" brigade.
Not only do they want people to see them as the real family values people but also that they, and the heterosexual allies, are the REAL christians. I am surprised they haven't turned Josephs coat of many colors into the worlds first PRIDE coat. they are already saying Jesus was gay especially in the situation of 'the disciple he loved'. they won't stop till every positive person in history was really secretly gay and that homosexuality was the true driving force behind the advancement of humanity. God Help Us All!
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