Face it we BEGGED God for a reprieve we Prayed for Trump to be elected instead of Hilary because we KNEW what her presidency would do to people of faith. I too voted for him BUT I warned that if we don't use this reprieve wisely if we just roll over and say wake me in 4 years to reelect him it would have been better to have had Hilary elected and get our destruction over with then to have gotten a reprieve through Trump and wasted it. Wasting a reprieve will bring greater judgment than if we had not had one at all.
One worrying sign is Pete Buttigieg is gaining in Iowa. A homosexual president would be a DISASTER for Christians. Some on the left seem ready to anoint him the next Liberal Messiah (Obama being the last. he was going to be the first post-racial president. how did that work out?). And seeing how we keep going farther and farther down the sodomite road a homosexual president would be a fitting Judgment! Face it the culture has continued DOWNward during Trump's presidency, we are not turning the tide, we are not regaining lost ground, the enemy is not retreating.
As I feared we are squandering our opportunity. We are too comfortable. Maybe it is time the Western church, especially in America, found out what the early church knew all too well: the church grows best in pain. That persecution is the best fertilizer. The Asian, especially the Chinese, Church is the most persecuted on earth, and one of the fastest growing. I am prepared to be physically crucified for my faith, a very painful death, are you?? I am prepare to be hated, to be beaten, to be raped, and humiliated as well. I will suffer for my Lord! In those famous words: Here I stand I can do no other!